Without seeing the raw data and watching the integration of frames, I would be suspicious of an incorrect space group assignment with an Rmerge > 0.10. Are image spots well-predicted by the integration program (all spots have predictions, all predictions have spots)? Are the spots well-resolved (no or few overlaps) at the camera distance used? The lack of falloff of I/sig(I) with resolution bin also looks atypical. Typically, you would see a larger spread between the overall I/sig(I) and the I/sig(I) in the highest resolution bin (assuming you have collected data out to the resolution limit of the crystal). And with 10-fold redundancy, I would expect the overall I/sig(I) to be much higher, if your integration program factors redundancy into the I/sig(I) calculation.

I see results similar to this doing automated processing of frames in real time during collection when the program goes off the rails and chooses the wrong space group.


Roger S. Rowlett
Gordon & Dorothy Kline Professor
Department of Chemistry
Colgate University
13 Oak Drive
Hamilton, NY 13346

tel: (315)-228-7245
ofc: (315)-228-7395
fax: (315)-228-7935
email: rrowl...@colgate.edu

On 3/29/2013 9:19 AM, hamid khan wrote:

Dear CCP4BB Members,

I am interested in your expert comments/opinions about two values of a protein crystal diffraction data. Basically I am new to this field and do not have much idea about diffraction data interpretation and crystallography software’s use.

1)What could be the possible reasons for a high *Rmerge value, *say like *0.185*?

2)Value *6.2* for average *I/sigma(I)* for higher shell means that the resolution of the diffraction data is much higher than actually measured, what could be the possible reasons for this?

For your ease I would like to past the table here;

Values in parentheses are for the last resolution shell

Space group                                     P2221

Unit-cell parameters (A°)

          a                                   58.08

          b                                   101.32

          c                                   103.47

Molecules in ASU                              1

Resolution range            38.63 - 2.50  (2.59 - 2.50)

Total number of reflections          228902

Number of unique reflections           21600

Completeness (%)                             99.1 (98.0)

*Rmerge         0.185 *   (0.373)

Reduced χ2                                       0.94 (1.01)

*Average I/σ(I)   9.8          (6.2)*

Thanks for the tips..,

Hamid Khan

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