Well, the output.sca file contains only 64000 lines ( reflections)
while the logfile lists ~ 73000 reflections, corresponding to about
100% completeness. So I don't understand why only 64000 are written
The sigma cutoff was just a guess, but may not be the reason.


On 7/5/13, Phil Jeffrey <pjeff...@princeton.edu> wrote:
> Ursula,
> I/sigI of -3 as I recall.
> Are you sure that the downstream programs you are using aren't the ones
> applying the cutoff ?  Scalepack is, in general, perfectly happy to
> write negative intensities to output.sca and certainly is doing so as of
> HKL3000.  Perhaps you need to use the TRUNCATE YES option in Truncate ?
>   Does the output MTZ from Scalepack2mtz show the number of reflections
> you expect ?
> Phil Jeffrey
> Princeton
> On 7/5/13 3:24 PM, Ursula Schulze-Gahmen wrote:
>> Sorry for the non-CCP4 question.
>> I am confused about the sigma cutoff used by HKL2000 for scaling. I
>> scaled a data set to 3.0 A resolution. I collected a complete dataset
>> to 2.8A, but the I/sigma is about 1.0 at 3.0 A. The scaling logfile in
>> HKL2000 shows 100% completeness in the highest resolution shell, but
>> about 50% of the reflections are below I/sigma =0 in the highest
>> resolution shell. I am guessing that these negative reflections are
>> not being written out, because the output file from HKL200 does not
>> have 100% completeness anymore. I would like to include these negative
>> reflections. Is there a setting in HKL2000 that I can change or do I
>> need to switch to a different program.
>> Ursula

Ursula Schulze-Gahmen, Ph.D.
Assistant Researcher
UC Berkeley, QB3
356 Stanley Hall #3220
Berkeley, CA 94720-3220

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