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Dear Chang,

Without being aware of the various means to parallelise a computer
program I would be surprised if refmac5 was parallelised for MacOSX
but not for Linux, although I am sure Garib would correct me if I was
wrong. Maybe you only have the impression that refmac5 uses several
cores on MacOSX?


On 12/17/2013 01:05 PM, Chang Qing wrote:
> Thanks so much. XDS program is a very good example for multi-core
> cpu processing. I love it. I also have a macbook. Though a
> notebook, it often runs CCP4 program more quickly than on desktop
> computer. The programs, for example refmac5, seem to use multi-core
> on OSX and single core on linux. Is that mean CCP4 runs more
> efficiently on OSX than linux?
> Best
> Chang
> 2013/12/17 Tim Gruene <t...@shelx.uni-ac.gwdg.de>
> Dear Chang,
> this is hardly a matter of configuration but a question of
> programming (meaning you cannot change it unless you modify the
> source code and recompile). You can run a program of which you know
> it is parallelised, e.g. XDS, shelxl, shelxd, and check with the
> command 'top' that your %CPU is about 400%.
> You can also get the program i7z for more detailed information
> about the status of your CPUs.
> Phaser is parallelised, but I dare say it is rather an exception 
> within the ccp4 suite.
> So all you can do is encourage the developers of cpu-demanding 
> programs to spend time on parallelising their code - XDS is one of
> the most impressive examples of how much this can be worth in the
> context of acceptance and propagation.
> Best, Tim
> On 12/17/2013 02:51 AM, Chang Qing wrote:
>>>> Dear all
>>>> I just installed CCP4 6.4 on Ubuntu 12.1. The program can
>>>> work. I found it just used 1 processor instead of 4( Intel
>>>> i5) for data solving. Does anyone know how to config CPU so
>>>> that all processors can be used.
>>>> Thanks
>>>> Chang

- -- 
- --
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen


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