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Dear S. M. Jaimohan,

one reason such a discrepancy is often the presence of TLS, which may
be present in the PDB-header but is not found in the PDB coordinates.
Another reason might be that during deposition |F| and I got confused
- - this is not too uncommon for elderly entries.

A more up-to-date reason is that programs calculate R values very
differently. If you take a PDB file refined with program X and put it
into program Y you easily get discrepancies greater than 5%. At the
DGK meeting two weeks ago some structures were presented solved at
3'ish A resolution with R/Rfree near 14%/16%, which I would be very
suspicious about...

That's why I think that R-values are becoming meaningless. They are
useful guides for the refinement of one particular structure with one
particular program, but any deviation from this and you cannot compare
R-values. Other validation tools like those implemented in Coot or the
Molprobity server are much more reliable. Maybe that's a good thing
because this makes people move away from using a single number to
judge about 10,000s of parameters.


On 04/04/2014 10:07 AM, jai mohan wrote:
> Dear all, Sorry for the off-topic Question. I just tried to extract
> files *.* from EDS server for a PDB entry. The page tells us that
> There is no map available for this entry (****), because our
> automatic script failed to produce an electron density map with an
> R-value (0.309) within 5 percentage points of the published one
> (0.165). If you are the author of this entry and wish to help us
> remedy this situation, please contact us. Back to EDS home page
> The reported R-value for the (****) PDB entry is 0.16 than how
> 0.309? could anyone please explain about this!
> Sincerely, S.M. Jaimohan, Ph. D

- -- 
- --
Dr Tim Gruene
Institut fuer anorganische Chemie
Tammannstr. 4
D-37077 Goettingen

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