
Did you look at the same structure in the PDB_REDO databank 
(www.cmbi.ru.nl/pdb_redo)? If the problem can be solved, the structure and maps 
should be there. If it cannot, you might get a slightly more informative error 
message from the WHY_NOT server.


Sent from my Windows Phone
Van: jai mohan
Verzonden: 4-4-2014 10:08
Onderwerp: [ccp4bb] EDS server - R-value

Dear all,
Sorry for the off-topic Question.
I just tried to extract files *.* from EDS server for a PDB entry.
The page tells us that

There is no map available for this entry (****),
because our automatic script failed to produce an electron density map
with an R-value (0.309) within 5 percentage points of the published one (0.165).
If you are the author of this entry and wish to help us remedy this
situation, please contact us.
Back to EDS home page

The reported R-value for the (****) PDB entry is 0.16 than how 0.309?
could anyone please explain about this!

S.M. Jaimohan, Ph. D

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