On 15 Sep 2014, at 15:24, Andrew Leslie <and...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk> wrote:

> This would suggest that the standard dictionary that Molprobity uses has 
> changed, but I cannot find any reference to this on the Molprobity pages. 
> I would be very grateful if anyone can throw some light on this.

MolProbity now uses the same target values as Phenix:

"MolProbity4 structure validation now provides many of its validation metrics 
through CCTBX, the open-source component of the Phenix crystallographic 
package. CCTBX allows for consistent validation results with Phenix, as well as 
added functionality, such as geometry regularization of NQH flips” 

The target values for the C4-C5 bond length and the C5-C4-N3 bond angle are 
quite different in the two libraries:


ANP      C4     C5        double      1.490    0.020

ANP      C5     C4     N3      120.000    3.000


ANP   C5      C4    aromatic      1.386 0.010

ANP   N3      C4      C5          126.80 0.741

That explains the 8-10 sigma deviations reported by MolProbity but it doesn’t 
explain which target values are (more) correct. 


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