Hi Giulliana,
What is the percent identity of your best search model with your target? At
what resolution  does your crystal diffract?
If you use PHASER without choosing the space group, it might help find you
a solution in a different space group than you expect.

There are also some tricks on making a good search model to get more
positive MR, as well.

hope this helps,

On Wed, Nov 5, 2014 at 12:20 PM, Giulliana Rangel <
giulliana.ran...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Dear all,
> I would like to known if someone could help me with some idea about the
> phase problem.
> I am a beginner in crystallography and the first time I tryed to solve the
> structure by Molrep, amore, mr. Bump and I didnt find anything for
> molecular replacement.
> Thus, currently I've tried to soak heavy-atom ( Hg, Pt, I, Pb) and the
> diffraction was good, the results in XDS didnt show so good. I didnt look
> the heavy atom in density.
> I appreciate any suggestion and ideas what I could do.
> Best regards,
> --
> Giulliana Rangel
> Mestranda PPG-Biotecnologia UNIFESP
> Laboratório de Biologia Estrutural
> Tel.: (12) 3309-9698
> Rua Talim 330, Vila Nair
> CEP 12231-280
> São José dos Campos - SP

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