On 18/01/15 18:29, Kenneth A. Satyshur wrote:
Coot is our best program there ever was for fitting electron density. It is 
very simple to
use and easy to teach. But sometimes improvements are made that seem to just 
things down. Having used 0.7.1 for a long time, i noticed that rotation and 
scaling of
density is very quick, but translations are much slower (cntrl left mouse). Now 
in 0.8.1, translations
have become impossibly slow. They freeze the whole graphics system for as long 
as 10 seconds.
It is recalculating a map, and this can be seen using top to display the cpu 

Let me encourage you to read section 9.12 of the manual.

Here's the link:


Also, we are now given
a spherical density, which is annoying,

You are not the first disapprove of the change - others have been somewhat less forthright, however.

really, since cell edges are not spherical and its
hard to examine 3D space in a bubble. But there must be a way of speeding up the
recalculation of the map during translation. I have a dual quad core with 15 
idle cores while
coot recalculates its new map in one core. Maybe multi core is the way to go. I 
hope this can be fixed.

I believe that there have been advances in rendering 3D scalar data (such as medical imaging) using the GPU. It would be nice if an implementation of such were ported to Coot


Otherwise I will stick with the 0.7 version that makes a cuboid map. I really 
enjoy the rapid
examination of density that coot provides especially in 3D.

I'll consider adding a "display-density-as-the-old-box" configuration flag.

thanks to the Coot team.

You're welcome.


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