Dear Bishwa,What about Hamptons Izit dye.
S.M.Jaimohan, Ph.D


     On Monday, 18 May 2015 7:50 AM, Engin Özkan <> wrote:

 Magnesium phosphate crystals? I've definitely seen salt crystals with 
that morphology before. Check out the Ksp for Mg3(PO4)2.


On 5/17/15 6:45 PM, Bishwa Subedi wrote:
> Hi All,
> I know that its hard to say if the crystal is protein crystal just by looking 
> at its morphology, however I was wondering if any of you have ever come 
> across protein crystals as one attached here. It would help build up my 
> confidence :) and work further until I put them on to X-ray beam. I could 
> notice similar crystals with two different proteins one in the initial screen 
> and one after pH screening the similar condition and involves NPS (Nitrate, 
> phosphate and Sulphate) from Morpheus screen. To mention, MgCl2 (0.01M) is 
> also added directly to the protein as a co-factor.
> Crystal condition : NPS (0.9M)+ Buffer System 2 0.1M  (i.e. HEPES and MOPS) 
> as well as with buffer system 3 0.1M (TRIS and BICINE) at pH 7.5 and 8.5 
> respectively and P550MME_P20K 30.0%
> Thank you for your opinion.
> Bishwa


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