Dear Colleagues, 

we are pleased to announce the 2017 edition of the Italian Association for
Crystallography (AIC) International Crystallography School (AICS2017). 

This year's school title will be "Bridging the gap between cryo-EM and
crystallography". The school will be held in Pavia, Italy, from 3 to 6
September 2017. 


AICS2017 "Bridging the gap between cryo-EM and crystallography" will offer
the opportunity to young researchers in biochemistry or structural biology
at the PhD/postdoctoral level to approach the fundamental questions arising
from the cryo-EM experiment setup. Central topics will include evaluation of
sample suitability for analysis and its preparation, choice of appropriate
instrumentation for single particle, tomography or electron diffraction
approaches, data processing and interpretation of results. A showcase of
recent results will contour the tutorial sessions. 


We already received enthusiastic confirmation from numerous speakers and
sponsors. A preliminary program, as well as registration and practical
information can be found at:  

We are making every effort to keep registration fees as low as possible and
we offer a very convenient package including school attendance, 4-night
accommodation in historical University Colleges in Pavia (check-in: Sunday,
3 September; check-out: 7 September), lunches and coffee breaks from 4 to 6
September, welcome party on September 3rd, social dinner on September 5th,
and a booklet containing copies of the slides used during the lectures for
400 EUR. A number of student bursaries will be available to cover the
registration fee in full or partially. The deadline for bursary application
is 15 May 2017.


AIC associates will get 50 EUR discount on the registration fee. 


Deadline for registration: 15 June 2017. Please note that, should we receive
a large number of registrations, we may adopt a "first to come, first to
serve policy".

We look forward to welcoming you in Pavia. 

The scientific organizing committee: 

Federico Forneris (University of Pavia)

Andrea Mattevi (University of Pavia)

Filippo Mancia (Columbia University)

Martino Bolognesi (University of Milan)

Mauro Gemmi (Italian Institute of Technology)

Beatrice Vallone (Sapienza University of Rome)


Contact for additional information:  <> 






Federico Forneris, PhD

The Armenise-Harvard Laboratory of Structural Biology

Dept. Biology and Biotechnology
University of Pavia

Via Ferrata, 9

I-27100 Pavia - ITALY





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