
I’ve come up with a work-around for both problems. The problem with the tRNA 
file, I countered by using that pdb file as the fixed file, and so got round 
the need to write out a rotated pdb file (it still did not write out the output 
file, even though the rmsd was 0!).

The second problem, with the Stau coordinates, I got round by rotating them 
first into a new orientation. That suggests that there is a mathematical 
singular point for the rotation problem. I don’t know whether or not that can 
be fixed by some test on the singularity of the rotation matrix or something 
like that.

Many thanks for your shoulders while I worked out of this rabbit hole!


On Sep 10, 2018, at 8:12 AM, Eleanor Dodson 
<eleanor.dod...@york.ac.uk<mailto:eleanor.dod...@york.ac.uk>> wrote:

yes - I see that but when I run lsqkab on your two coordinate sets   lsqkab 
works OK.

Here is the command file  - i made a guess on what to match..

 title [No title given]
fit res CA 11 to 100 -
    chain A
match 8 to 97 -
    chain A
fit res CA 101 to 130 -
    chain A
match 100 to 129 -
    chain A
output -
## This script run with the command   ##########
# /y/programs/xtal/64bit/ccp4-7.0/2016-08-23-1/ccp4-7.0/bin/lsqkab XYZIN2 
"/y/people/ccp4/Downloads/Ecoli_HSS_rot.pdb" XYZIN1 
"/y/people/ccp4/Downloads/Stau__urz_rot.pdb" XYZOUT 

And I attach the log file.
Indeed the Ecoli one is now rotated by ~ 90 degrees and fits quite well.. There 
is a lot of unmatched stuff of course for the Ecoli one but that shouldnt 
prevent the fit..


On 10 September 2018 at 12:53, Eleanor Dodson 
<eleanor.dod...@york.ac.uk<mailto:eleanor.dod...@york.ac.uk>> wrote:
Hmm - when I try to read Therm_tRNA into the CCP4I2 GUI it says

Cordinate file failed vaildation test!
Not sure what that test is but will ask around..

On 10 September 2018 at 12:15, Carter, Charlie 
<car...@med.unc.edu<mailto:car...@med.unc.edu>> wrote:

I’ll check into the tRNA TER cards. I have probably experienced difficulties 
with them before, so that may solve one of the problems, but not, I think, the 

Here are two pdb files from the pymol session. Ecoli_HSS_rot.pdb is the target 
structure; Stau_urz_rot.pdb is the result output for the input Stau_urz.pdb 
file. As you can see, even though the residues are, as far as I can tell 
correctly indicated, the rotated file is off by about 90 degrees.

Many thanks for any help.


On Sep 10, 2018, at 5:36 AM, Eleanor Dodson 
<eleanor.dod...@york.ac.uk<mailto:eleanor.dod...@york.ac.uk>> wrote:

Charlie - I will try to check this, but cant read your pse file - can you find 
another format?

Thanks Eleanor

On 8 September 2018 at 12:28, Carter, Charlie 
<car...@med.unc.edu<mailto:car...@med.unc.edu>> wrote:
Hi folks,

I continue to use lsqkab because it offers unique flexibility and features 
appropriate to what I do.

Currently, I’ve a project that requires such superposition and for that I 
created from the original pdb files a set of monomeric pdb files that have 
already been superposed by POSA. The POSA alignment used all the residues, and 
I want to orient only a subset that is structurally invariant, in order to 
identify possible interdomain motions.

There are ten such files; eight appear to work properly and have aligned. The 
other two give one or another of two pathologies. The first appears simply to 
get confused and output a rotated coordinate file that appears to be ~90 
degrees off, despite the fact that the residue numbering is correct (see 
attached .pse file in which three _Urz coordinate sets are illustrated, which 
were superimposed on Ecoli_Urz. The Ttherm_H file is correctly rotated; the 
Stau_LF file is not.).

I decided to try to rotate the two files into an intermediate orientation that 
gave a satisfactory result, i.e. Ttherm_H. The first attempt at this involved a 
second problematic file, Ttherm_tRNA. LSQKSB gave the following error message, 
which instructs me to contact the developers. The problematic pdb file, 
Ttherm_tRNA.pdb, is also attached.

 *** RWBROOK error: point code unit    function
 ***                    1 -102    2    MMDB_F_Atom
 *** file   : Ttherm_tRNA_rot.pdb
 *** reason : internal error #2 -- report to developer
 *** Execution stopped.

I should note that I am still using the following version of the software:

source  /usr/local/bin/ccp4-7.0/include/ccp4.setup

The commands in my script are:

#source  /usr/local/bin/ccp4-7.0/include/ccp4.setup
lsqkab XYZINM $1 XYZINF $2 XYZOUT $1_rot.pdb << END-lsqkab
MATCH 10 to 84
MATCH 85 to 113
MATCH 124 to 131

Many thanks in advance for any help.



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