Dear Michael,

On Sat, Nov 10, 2018 at 9:56 AM Michael Jarva <> wrote:
> Dear ccp4 community,
> I have recently been working with a structure that has an Asparagine that 
> makes a planar stacking connection with a Tryptophan ring 
> (pep_ASN-TRP_v2.png), that seem to be a true pi-stacking interaction and I'd 
> like to find more examples of this.

You could check the following paper:
Pi-Pi contacts are an overlooked protein feature relevant to phase separation

They have a list of examples (including Asn-Trp pi-pi stacking) in PDB
(Figure 1, data source):
Pi-Pi contact annotations for the full PDB set.
Text file listing the pi-pi contacts observed across our non-redundant
PDB set, with contact types shown by residue annotations where single
amino acid names refer to sidechains and pairs of amino acids refer to
the backbone peptide bond between residue i and residue i + 1.

Best wishes,

Dr. Tomas Malinauskas
University of Oxford
Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics
Division of Structural Biology
Roosevelt Drive
Oxford OX3 7BN
United Kingdom


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