
Assuming the data reduction went well, and you're in the right space goup,
there could be a lot of model bias in your structure stemming from the
starting model.

There are a lot of things to try.  I would
set all the B-factors to an artificially low B-factor to help de-mask
errors.  Then,
you can generate a composite omit map and FEM maps to see if any obvious
model errors show up in the electron density.  After correcting these, you
can try running
Autobuild and PhaseAndBuild in Phenix.  Compare all the models you get from
each of these, especially in regions where your original model had high
Use Coot to identify areas of poor agreement with electron density and areas
of poor geometry.  Once you spent a while correcting the model, put it
one or more cycles of simulated annealing at different temperatures in
Select several sets of coordinates that give the best Rfree convergence,
and then
subject those models to individual B-factor refinement.  After that, check
again in Coot
for areas of high B-factors and areas of poor geometry (try especially to
your Ramachandran Plot).  Use MolProbity to help in identifying errors and
If a few rounds of simulated annealing and model building don't improve
things, try some
refinement in CCP4 Refmac.  PDB_REDO, which uses Refmac, can also help
give you alternative models.  While doing all these, don't be afraid to
regions from one model into another model and then correct the geometry in
If B-factors don't come down no matter what you do, you could be in the
wrong space
group or have problems with the original data that need to be addressed.

I hope this helps.



Daniel M. Himmel, Ph. D.


On Thu, Nov 8, 2018 at 7:41 PM Anandhi Anandan <>

> Hello everyone,
> I am trying to solve the structure of a protein with a bound ligand at
> 2.65 A resolution. XDS was used for data reduction, phaser-MR for molecular
> replacement  and Phenix for refinement. The refinement was done with the
> default settings ( individual B factors, occupancy and TLS parameters). The
> resultant atomic B factors are quite high.  The overall B factor is 82 with
> a minimum value of 34.57 and maximum of 225.13. I would like to know if any
> of the data reduction parameters can affect the B factors and how best to
> deal with this issue.
> Anandhi
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