Graeme's suggestion of a standard benchmarking dataset is a good one, but I'm not so sure a 24 GB download size is going to get a lot of hits. In fact, in some countries you have to pay for internet by the GB, and it costs as much as mobile phone data! The large size also makes it hard to separate two important aspects of data processing: the CPU vs the disk.  My goal was to isolate the CPU as much as possible, so I made a "standard" image processing benchmark data set that is hyper-compressed: 11 MB download size.  This is similar to the size of XDS package itself.  This hyper-compression is possible because it is a simulated data set and that allows me to add noise on the client side.  I also expand the data by 10x by repeating the same 360 deg with symbolic links.  The footprint on local disk is only 2.3 GB, so it can usually fit into the ramdisk on /dev/shm of most linux systems. The whole hyper-decompression process is done automatically by my XDS and DIALS benchmarking scripts, or you can just use this one script directly:
It will automatically download and decompress the 3600-image test set on most Linux and Mac systems.

Whether you use my benchmark or not, the important thing about any benchmark is to run the exact same benchmark on as many machines as possible, only then can you have enough "controls" to isolate what the important features are.

As for GHz, everything "should" scale as GHz unless something else is holding it back, like disk I/O or the network or a myriad of other things.  The most important factor for data processing, however, has always been and still is the last-level CPU cache size.  I think the reason multi-socket machines are faster than single-chip multi-core machines is because all the sockets are really just a way to get more cache into the box.

Data processing is kind of a different animal from most other crystallographic applications.  Perhaps because of the pressure of modern detectors many image processing programs have now embraced the multi-CPU revolution.  The problem, however, is that the more cores you have in your processor the lower the GHz will be for a single core.  This seems to be a thermal management constraint. What that means is if you get a processor with lots and lots of cores you can process data really fast, but almost all the downstream steps like molecular replacement and refinement will be slower.  In fact, even different phases of data processing benefit alternately from lots of cores vs lots of GHz, so ideally you'd like to have two machines: one with a lot of cores, and the other with a single really fast processor, and alternate between these two machines using scripts.

But if you can only get one machine, I currently recommend the Xeon W-2155 as a good general-purpose crystallography processor.  It has 10 cores, so runs DIALS and other multi-CPU programs nicely up to this puzzling 8-10 core ceiling, but still has the GHz to run single-threaded programs nice and fast.  It's not ridiculously expensive either.

My $1,440 worth,

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 12/2/2018 10:56 PM, wrote:
Re: publishing benchmarks - great idea - expand on what James described earlier.

Most programs are GHz dependent (for most “sensible” definitions of GHz (not 
the mega-hyper-pipeline stall prone P4 say) however I see your point that 
“threaded” and “optimised for vector systems (e.g. AVX512)” would be very 

I am certainly not advocating that computers > 3 years old should be thrown away 
;-) I am one of those folks with a bad hoarding instinct, “it’s good for parts” “it 
still works fine” are all in my lexicon. If you are coot-ing and want to refine a 
modest structure probably most machines < 10 years old will be fine.

What I was trying to say is that your experience of how fast something is will 
depend on your use case, and that the boffins in Santa Clara and Sunnyvale have 
not been sitting on their hands this past decade.

Finally, processing “modern” data sets can be a challenge even on fairly hefty 
machines - if you pull data04 from you will 
find a 3 minute data set [1] which (even with XDS; tweaked for speed script) 
can take a long while on a modern-ish machine. 10 year old core2 duo will not 
get this done in the same kind of time-frame.

best wishes Graeme

PS kudos to folks for sharing the data online

[1] which would make a fun challenge benchmark :-)

On 3 Dec 2018, at 02:16, Markus Heckmann 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Graeme,

I suspect that this conclusions depends very closely on (i) the shape of the 
problem and (ii) the extent to which the binary has been optimised for the 
given platform.

I do hope some of these info are analyzed and either published or at least put 
at ccp4 wiki.

I am pretty sure that there are some applications (heavily threaded, making 
extensive use of vector operations) which would be massively quicker on 2018 
hardware than something a decade old. Certainly though, if you are comparing a 
not-highly-optimised single threaded binary then your conclusion is probably a 
valid one

I really request all the program developers (in the ccp4bb) to clearly have a 
table in the website mentioning if certain program is purely GHz dependent and 
not multi-threaded.

Also how much power the machines take to get work done is a non-trivial factor…

But what about the environment? Trashing a decent machine from 2015 for the 
latest threadripper2? These old maches have 80-90 + gold power supply. Many 
(like Apple's planned obsolescence) are *forcibly* destroyed not refurbished at 

Does DIALS run that much quicker? How much time is saved for a phd student in 
their career if data processing speeds up from 15 min to 10 min?
  Sure perfect for use @synchrotron but otherwise?

May the beamlines/synchrotons should allow for remote data processing and even 
refinement. May be all program devs need to put benchmarks - will help users 

These days i have a feeling science copied the typical electron/website 
framework programmers? Programs/website getting fatter not efficient and hoping 
everyone has 128GB RAM.


Cheerio Graeme

On 30 Nov 2018, at 19:32, James Holton 

I have a dissenting opinion about computers "moving on a bit".  At least when 
it comes to most crystallography software.

Back in the late 20th century I defined some benchmarks for common crystallographic 
programs with the aim of deciding which hardware to buy.  By about 2003 the champion of 
my refmac benchmark ( was 
the new (at the time) AMD "Opteron" at 1.4 GHz.  That ran in 74 seconds.

Last year, I bought a rather expensive 4-socket Intel Xeon E7-8870 v3 (turbos 
to 3.0 GHz), which is the current champion of my XDS benchmark.  The same old 
refmac benchmark on this new machine, however, runs in 68.6 seconds.  Only a 
smidge faster than that old Opteron (which I threw away years ago).

The Xeon X5550 in consideration here takes 74.1 seconds to run this same refmac 
benchmark, so price/performance wise I'd say that's not such a bad deal.

The fastest time I have for refmac to date is 41.4 seconds on a Xeon W-2155, 
but if you scale by GHz you can see this is mostly due to its fast clock speed 
(turbo to 4.5 GHz). With a few notable exceptions like XDS, HKL2k and shelx, 
which are multi-processing and optimized to take advantage of the latest 
processor features using intel compilers, most crystallographic software is 
either written in Python or compiled with gcc.  In both these cases you end up 
with performance pretty much scaling with GHz.  And GHz is heat.

Admittedly, the correlation is not perfect, and software has changed a wee bit 
over the years, so comparisons across the decades are not exactly fair, but the 
lesson I have learned from all my benchmarking is that single-core raw 
performance has not changed much in the last ~10 years or so.  Almost all the 
speed increase we have seen has come from parallelization.

And one should not be too quick to dismiss clusters in favor of a single box 
with a high core count. The latter can be held back by memory contention and 
other hard-to-diagnose problems.  Even with parallel execution many 
crystallography programs don't get any faster beyond using about 8-10 cores.  
Don't let 100% utilization fool you!  Use a timer and you'll see.  I'm not 
really sure why that is, but it is the reason that same Xeon W-2155 that leads 
my refmac benchmark is also my champion system for running DIALS and 

My two cents,

-James Holton
MAD Scientist

On 11/26/2018 1:10 AM, V F wrote:
Dear all,
Thanks for all the off/list replies.

To be honest, how much are they paying you to take it? Can you sell it for
May be I will give it a pass.

To compare, two dual CPU servers with Skylake Gold 6148 - that is 40 cores -
will probably beat the whole lot even if you could keep the cluster going.
And keeping clusters busy is a time consuming challenge... I know!
If they are 250W servers, then you are looking at £8000 per year to power
and cool it. The two modern servers will be more like £1500 per year to run.
And the servers will only cost about £6000... the economics and planet don't
stack up!
By servers do you mean tower/standalone?

Thanks for the detailed explanation. From 2012, we already have many
dell precision T5600 with 2 x Xeon E5-2643 (8 Cores) (16 threads) and
I was hoping parallellisation with clusters maybe of some help. Looks

These are running so well (takes about 45 min for a typical dataset
reduction with DIALS) I am not sure buying new ones is useful.


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