
This looks like it was on beamline 7.2 (which had a fixed wavelength of 1.488Å, 
according to an article written by Liz Duke - see 
https://www.ccp4.ac.uk/newsletters/newsletter37/11_beamline14.html); I can't 
remember if detector 421 was a Q4 or a Q4R, but (again, according to the same 
article) Daresbury certainly had at least one of each at some time!

BL 7.2 was actually the only beamline at Daresbury that I collected my own data 
on (before I worked on Mosflm) - using an Arndt-Wonacott camera and film...


On 31 Jan 2019, at 10:48, Dean Derbyshire wrote:

> huge thanks everyone.. what a response.  All good now
> :)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Pedro Matias [mailto:mat...@itqb.unl.pt] 
> Sent: den 31 januari 2019 11:46
> To: Dean Derbyshire <dean.derbysh...@medivir.com>; CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK
> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] FW: [ccp4bb] old data - headers
> Hi Dean,
> I reckon that it is an ADSC Quantum 4 or 4R CCD detector. If you open the 
> images with mosflm or adxv you should see the characteristic 2x2 tile pattern.
> Note how the header format is similar to the one you posted from the ESRF.
> Pedro
> Às 10:21 de 31/01/2019, Dean Derbyshire escreveu:
>> thanks all. I recon I have the ESRF data sorted.. but Daresbury.. am I right 
>> in assuming MARCCD or are we going back as far as image plate?
>> here is the image header
>> Harry what do you think
>> HEADER_BYTES=  512;
>> DIM=2;
>> BYTE_ORDER=little_endian;
>> TYPE=unsigned_short;
>> PIXEL_SIZE=0.08160;
>> BIN=none;
>> ADC=slow;
>> DATE=Wed Apr 13 17:59:22 2005;
>> TIME=20.00;
>> DISTANCE=125.000;
>> OSC_RANGE=1.000;
>> PHI=7.000;
>> OSC_START=7.000;
>> AXIS=phi;
>> WAVELENGTH=1.48800;
>> BEAM_CENTER_X=94.700;
>> BEAM_CENTER_Y=96.400;
>> UNIF_PED=1500;
>> SIZE1=2304;
>> SIZE2=2304;
>> }
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Dean Derbyshire
>> Sent: den 31 januari 2019 10:50
>> To: 'graeme.win...@diamond.ac.uk' <graeme.win...@diamond.ac.uk>; 'Luca 
>> Jovine' <luca.jov...@ki.se>
>> Subject: RE: [ccp4bb] old data
>> ok may have lied.. not just 1 dataset i note.
>> Daresbury 14-1 on 19th April 2005. (I'm assuming MAR image plate but!)
>> ESRF ID23-1 on 4th September 2007.
>> ESRF ID23-1 on 8th November 2007.
>> ESRF ID23-1 on 25th June 2008.
>> ESRF ID23-1 on 11th February2010.
>> I will post the headers in a sec
>> :)
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: graeme.win...@diamond.ac.uk [mailto:graeme.win...@diamond.ac.uk]
>> Sent: den 31 januari 2019 10:42
>> To: Dean Derbyshire <dean.derbysh...@medivir.com>
>> Cc: ccp4bb@jiscmail.ac.uk
>> Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] old data
>> Hi Dean
>> Usually there is a serial number buried somewhere in the header - many 
>> are text headers though some have TIFF format binary headers. Often a 
>> timestamp as well though this is less common
>> From there biosync may help e.g.
>> http://biosync.sbkb.org/beamlineupdatehistory.jsp?region=european&sync
>> h_id=esrf&bmln_name=BM14&height=400&width=600
>> (the list of ESRF MX beamlines is short so should not be too painful)
>> Knowing the format, filename you can probably pin it down or if you 
>> share a little more info someone on the BB will know
>> All the best Graeme
>> On 31 Jan 2019, at 09:38, Dean Derbyshire 
>> <dean.derbysh...@medivir.com<mailto:dean.derbysh...@medivir.com>> wrote:
>> maybe a silly question it there a data base or other way to tell what 
>> detector was used to collect historic data. Image header isn’t hugely 
>> helpful ESRF is all I know for the source but I’d like to know what 
>> the detector was at the time… -  I’m talking 2005-2010
>>   Dean Derbyshire
>>   Principal Scientist Protein Crystallography [X]
>>   Box 1086
>>   SE-141 22 Huddinge
>>   Visit: Lunastigen 7
>>   Direct: +46 8 54683219
>>   Mobile: +46731251723
>>   www.medivir.com<http://www.medivir.com/>
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