Also, values in parentheses (high-res shell) depend on how you (the program
you use) do binning. Different programs do it differently and so these
values can vary quite substantially. With a little of trial-and-error
effort choosing the binning one can make these values farther or closer to
overall R. To me this is a hint that these numbers are not very useful. A
plot R (completeness, ..) vs resolution is much more useful than the values
for an arbitrarily defined resolution bin!

On Wed, Apr 17, 2019 at 12:57 AM Jan van Agthoven <> wrote:

> Hi everyone,
> I’m trying to publish two structures at 3.1Å resolution with the following
> refinement statistics:
> Resolution range (Å)                           49.2-3.1
> 49.3-3.1
> *R*factor (%)                                            24.0 (32.4)
>                             23.4 (32.0)
> *R*free (%)                                              26.6 (29.2)
>                             26.3 (31.6)
> *Data collection*
> Completeness                                      100 (100)
> 100 (100)
> Redundancy                                        6.9 (7.0)
>                             6.2 (6.3)
> Molecules in asymmetric unit              1
> 1
> Average* I*/σ                                         14.1 (1.7)
> 15.3 (2.0)
> *Rmerge *(%)                                          14.9 (100)
>                          12.7 (100)
> *Rmeas* (%)                                            16.2 (100)
>                        13.9 (100)
> *Rsym* (%)                                               6.2 (68.6)
>                        5.5 (57.1)
> Wilson *B*-factor                                     65.6
> 62.7
> I’ve been told that the Rfree factor in the* last shell* are too high.
> Does anyone know how I can improve these Rfree factors other then cutting
> the resolution, which already is rather low?
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