I have some Seleno-Methionine protein crystals (12 SeMet of 211 amino acids, 
incorporation verified by Mass Spec). I've already collected several datasets 
(ALS BL5.0.2) but I seem to be losing (rejecting?) a lot of anomalous signal 
during data processing. I'm most familiar with HKL2000, but I have tried XDS 
and DIALS auto-processing. Here is a scan: https://ibb.co/LZqm33p and here is 
an example of a frame: https://ibb.co/gR3ZR47. Each frame is 0.25° and I'm 
using inverse beam with wedge size 1°. Maybe I need to adjust my collection 
strategy? All previous datasets have been in space group P 21 with dimensions 
of approx. 24.5Å, 85Å, 40Å, 90°, 96.5°, 90°. I'm sure there are additional 
things I can be doing in HKL but I've run out of ideas. Any advice or 
recommendations would be appreciated. Please let me know if you need additional 

Thank you,


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