Hi Pavel

I work with peptide-scaffold chimeras on a daily basis. Initially, I tried to 
include the scaffolds as HETATM and use JLigand to create the links between the 
scaffolds and the natural amino acids. This procedure however is rather fussy 
and by now I build the chimera in silico, using natural amino acids provided by 
the program. Subsequently, I run the energy minimization on my own to have a 
rough control over the conformation. I then feed the coordinates into PRODRG 
without any further minimization and use the pdb and the restraints as they 
come from the server.

Of course, such a ligand will not make use of the cif libraries of the natural 
amino acids during refinement. But if you imported the natural amino acids 
while building the chimera, your minimization used the proper restraints. I 
have the impression that this procedure is more efficient than trying to 
maintain the LINK in the pdb header (which, in my case, oftern got lost after 
running a refinement, so I had to copy-paste it anew after every cycle).

Best, Matthias

Dr. Matthias Barone

AG Kuehne, Rational Drug Design

Leibniz-Forschungsinstitut für Molekulare Pharmakologie (FMP)
Robert-Rössle-Strasse 10
13125 Berlin

Phone: +49 (0)30 94793-284

From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> on behalf of Pavel Mader 
Sent: Monday, November 4, 2019 6:06:11 PM
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] why does Coot ignore CONECT?

Hi Paul,

thank you for your answer. My problem is that I am building a cyclic peptide 
with non-standard amino acids, the side chains of which are linked by click 
chemistry... I know how to make modified amino acids that will make peptide 
bonds with their neighbors in the polypeptide chain, but I don't know how to 
make a covalent link between side chains of amino acids say No. 3 and 12 for 
example (of a 15 AA long chain). I was trying to solve the issue by making a 
CONECT record in the pdb file, but Coot ignored it. LINK "sort of" worked, but 
it was not possible to control the geometry (bond length and angles), often the 
real space refinement simply "explodes" probably in a attempt to avoid clashes. 
My current workaround is to make a cif file for the whole 15 AA long 
polypeptide (the bonds and angles now behave more or less as expected), but I 
don't consider this as a good general practice for building long polypeptide 

Thanks in advance for any hints guiding me in the right direction.

---------- Původní e-mail ----------
Od: Paul Emsley <pems...@mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk>
Datum: 1. 11. 2019 21:16:11
Předmět: Re: [ccp4bb] why does Coot ignore CONECT?
On 01/11/2019 20:17, Pavel Mader wrote:
> Hello,


> I have a question, can anyone explain, why does Coot not display a covalent 
> bond manually specified by
> CONECT line in a pdb file?

Because I have never thought them necessary. Using SSBOND, LINK and residue 
dictionaries seemed to me to
cover the bases for which CONECT would be used.



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