There was a paper/comment in Acta Cryst  by Zbigniew Dauter "the
asymmetric unit should be close to the origin". 

The uncomfortable source is most probably that the result of a
molecular replacement is sometimes an asymmetric unit "elsewhere" ,
origin shifts etc. 

Nice weekend

Winfried Hinrichs

Dr. rer. nat. Winfried Hinrichs
Professor and Chair of Biochemistry, Emeritus

University of Greifswald
Institute for Biochemistry
Felix-Hausdorff-Str. 4
D-17487 Greifswald, Germany


Am Sonntag, den 10-11-2019 um 12:55 schrieb Frank Von Delft:

Eleanor, whom are you grumbling at? If it's at the depositors, here's
a counter-grumble:

How would a depositor even know???? 

        * know that it's "wrong"

        * know what definition of "wrong" to work towards

        * know that someone somewhere will care about this particular
        * know that visualisation or analysis software does not elegantly
deal with this - it is after all 2019 already
If I had to prioritise wrongnesses, I'd put top of the list that it is
not as absolutely trivial as possible to get data into the public
domain. Which means working hard (even harder!) to remove all arcane
things from the ecosystem.


On 10/11/2019 11:49, Eugene Osipov wrote:

Dear Eleanor,

>From PDB files I see that the structures were solved by molecular
replacement using pdbid 1gci as a starting model. It is hard to say
definitely without the linked paper but may be the depositors made the
same error that I did some time ago: they solved both structures using
molecular replacement instead of running rigid body refinement for
follow up structure.

Actually, the issue with different origins is pretty common in pdb.
For example, I searched pdb for isomorphous lysozyme structures in
P43212 with unit cell dimensions a=b=78.5-79.3 and c=36.5-37.3 and
have found 121 structures. I picked 6 random structures and only 2 of
them have the same origin.

Bythe way, may be someone has a script to move several isomorphous
structures to the same origin and rename chains according to reference

пт, 8 нояб. 2019 г. в 14:02, Eleanor Dodson :

I have just downloaded two isomorphous coordinates from the pdb

5arb and 5arc deposited by the same team 

Tried to compare and they are on different origins.

I know it doesnt affect the crystallography

It is easily corrected

BUT it seems bad practice to me 



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Evgenii Osipov

Laboratory for Biocrystallography,

Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences,

KU Leuven O&N2


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