Hi Katherine,

    One possibility could be that you have occupancy of 0.5 and that ligand 
binding at one site in the crystal distorts a second site so it cannot bind 
Occupancy refinement is not always very stable. 
If you are looking at two structures on top of one another - refinement needs 
to be done carefully.
One thing I sometimes try is setting occupancy at various levels for the two 
different conformations you have modelled, e.g. 0.2/0.8, 0.3/0.7, 0.4/0.6, 
0.5/0.5, 0.6/0.4, 0.7/0.3, 0.8/0.2
Then check all maps carefully. 
 Sometimes soaking a crystal can change space-group and you may need to 
reprocess data in lower symmetry cells to check. If you have only one molecule 
in asymmetric unit might be worth trying the three P21 cells
(with beta=90 degrees). 

[However, if you have to use DMF (rather than DMSO) to get your ligand into 
solution - I would ask your chemists to make/give you some more soluble 
analogues. ]

  Ben Bax 

Ben Bax
Reader in Structural Biology
Medicines Discovery Institute
Cardiff University
Main Building
Park Place
CF10 3AT 
Email: b...@cardiff.ac.uk 

Ben Bax
Darllenydd mewn Bioleg Strwythurol
Sefydliad Darganfod Meddyginiaethau
Prifysgol Caerdydd
Prif Adeilad
Plas y Parc
CF10 3AT
Ebost: b...@cardiff.ac.uk

On 20 Dec 2019, at 04:57, Katherine Lim <katherine....@research.uwa.edu.au> 

Hi all,

I apologise in advance for the long post. I am working on solving a structure 
that looks like it could have a ligand bound in the active site. My data was 
obtained from a crystal of just the soluble domain of my protein that had been 
soaked overnight in the ligand solution. The apo crystal structure is already 
known and so I have solved my structure using phaser MR. I have attached the 
Aimless report output of my structure at the end of this email. The current R 
values I have after refinement and adding in all the waters are Rfree: 0.2413 
and Rwork: 0.1897. I can clearly see green density that is much larger (only 
disappears when I contour the Fo-Fc map to about 6 A) than in my control 
crystal that had been soaked in the same concentration of just solvent (I had 
used DMF).

I am struggling to add in my ligand as it doesn't seem like the entire ligand 
can fit in the green density. We think it may be because we have only used the 
soluble domain and so the ligand isn't held very securely since the 
transmembrane domain is missing. I have been trying to fit in smaller sections 
of it and doing an occupancy refinement. So far I have been able to get part of 
the ligand in with an occupancy of about 0.6 but after the refinement run, 
phenix.refine seems to move this part of the ligand slightly out of the area 
where I had tried to fit it into the green density. Interestingly, there isn't 
a big red density in the area that this ligand section has moved to. I would 
appreciate any advice on how I should proceed with trying to figure out if I 
have tried the correct section of the ligand and the kind of refinement 
settings to use with a weak binder.

Space Group     P212121
Unit cell abc   84.76, 89.84, 91.55
unit cell alpha beta gamma      90, 90, 90

Low res limit   45.78   45.78   1.94
High res limit  1.9     9.11    1.9
Rmerge  0.234   0.052   1.684
Rmeas   0.244   0.054   1.768
Rpim    0.069   0.016   0.527
Total # observations    663073  6282    36851
Total # unique  55174   579     3359
I/sigma 7.5     27.9    1.4
CC ½    0.997   0.999   0.747
Completeness %
99      98.7    94.7
Multiplicity    12      10.8    11
Katherine Lim 

PhD Candidate

School of Biomedical Sciences; School of Molecular Sciences    

Marshall Centre for Infectious Disease Research and Training             

The University of Western Australia                                             

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