Dear All,

just to add the perspective from the synchrotron side - these type of failures are actually extremely rare. Of course, this doesn't help if it is your crystals that have been thawed, but these stories should not dissuade you from shipping crystals. On MASSIF-1 at the ESRF all crystals are shipped - we have processed over 56,000 in the last 5 years and I have seen only one dewar failure on arrival. I think the advice sent already is very sensible - test the dewar before you send it off and make sure the pucks are tightly packed inside. No matter which courier you choose, or how many times you contact them to be careful, there are so many links in the chain that I shudder to think of what happens to our dewars during there travels - fortunately it is remarkable how robust they are.....

Best wishes, Matt.

On 24-Jun-20 9:26 PM, Patrick Loll wrote:
Hello community,

We recently had a dry shipping dewar fail catastrophically (while en route to the beam line, so, major trauma). I sent it to a company that specializes in repair and refurbishing of cryogenic tanks, and they told me it has an internal leak, and hence is not reparable. I was expecting that the valve had failed, so the internal leak diagnosis came as a surprise.

Has anyone else had a similar experience? Any ideas about how an internal leak might come about? The dewar is (was) a Taylor/Wharton CX100, and it was traveling in its bespoke shipping case.

Thanks for any insights that might satisfy my curiosity and/or prevent future mishaps of this sort.




Patrick J.  Loll, PhD
Professor of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Drexel University College of Medicine
Room 10-102 New College Building
245 N. 15th St.
Philadelphia, PA 19102-1192 USA

(215) 762-7706 <>


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Matthew Bowler
Synchrotron Crystallography Group
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
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CS 90181 F-38042 Grenoble
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