Dear Yong, please have a look at this

You get even the raw data, but also all files in between till the fully refined structure.

It covers MR, SAD ,.... .

I know it is CCP4 mailing list, but if you as I use both program suits phenix and ccp4, then phenix has built in tutorials

Some are used in the youtube tutorial channel which I can also highly recommend

Br, Georg.

Am 07.04.2022 um 17:34 schrieb Yong Tang:
Dear all,

Do we have tutorials suitable for beginners to follow from Molecular Replacement to model building and refinement, all the way up to water and ligand inclusion?

I remember in the old days there were "case studies" that one could download and follow through in Coot/Refmac - I have trouble finding such links now.

Many thanks, -yong


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