Dear all,

I'd agree with Frank's sentiment. There is a strong risk that it would put 
reviewers in a conflicted position. You only have to look at say the world of 
literature to see that authors very rarely say anything that isn't positive 
about another author's work publicly. As a grant panellist I've already seen 
plenty of reviews that are little more than hagiographies of the great 

That doesn't mean that James's suggestion is a bad one; it just means that it 
would need a change in the whole ecosystem. Perhaps it is time that funding 
agencies considered hiring professional reviewers, rather than expecting 
academics to do it for free. Professional reviewers would likely gain from 
open, appropriately critical reviews as their reputation would depend on 
delivering reviews that are valid, selective, and high quality. This could 
offer an attractive alternative career for postdocs who have decided not to go 
for academic positions or academics looking for a part-time role as they move 
into retirement.
I would argue that one of the consequences of the pandemic is that academic 
workloads have changed from "unsustainably high" to "completely unsustainable". 
Academia is becoming increasingly non-inclusive as those with caring 
responsibilities, disabilities, and other issues that constrict their time 
cannot keep up with all the "extras" that are expected. Removing the burden of 
reviews from our backs would help bringing back balance.

I suspect that what is needed is proper trials of different approaches, with 
pre-defined criteria for success. Winston Churchill described democracy as "the 
worst form of government - except for all the others that have been tried." I'd 
feel that same about our current peer review system until we have clear 
evidence that there is something better!


From: CCP4 bulletin board <CCP4BB@JISCMAIL.AC.UK> On Behalf Of Frank von Delft
Sent: 23 June 2022 07:09
Subject: Re: [ccp4bb] open review?

I suspect funders will worry about it becoming even harder to find reviewers - 
they're already hard to flush out, if I'm not mistaken, and might become even 
more reclusive if they run the risk of being pilloried in public.

If that sounds theoretical:  even in this community, for all its collegiality 
and friendliness, we pillory one another in public and print just about our 


On 23/06/2022 02:08, James Holton wrote:
Greetings all,

I'd like to ask a question that I expect might generate some spirited 

We have seen recently a groundswell of support for openness and transparency in 
peer review. Not only are pre-prints popular, but we are also seeing reviewer 
comments getting published along with the papers themselves. Sometimes even 
signed by the reviewers, who would have traditionally remained anonymous.

My question is: why don't we also do this for grant proposals?

I know this is not the norm. However, after thinking about it, why wouldn't we 
want the process of how funding is awarded in science to be at least as 
transparent as the process of publishing the results? Not that the current 
process isn't transparent, but it could be more so. What if applications, and 
their reviewer comments, were made public? Perhaps after an embargo period?  
There could be great benefits here. New investigators especially, would have a 
much clearer picture of format, audience, context and convention. I expect 
unsuccessful applications might be even more valuable than successful ones. And 
yet, in reality, those old proposals and especially the comments almost never 
see the light of day. Monumental amounts of work goes into them, on both sides, 
but then get tucked away into the darkest corners of our hard drives.

So, 2nd question is: would you do it? Would you upload your application into 
the public domain for all to see? What about the reviewer comments? If not, why 
not?  Afraid people will steal your ideas? Well, once something is public, its 
pretty clear who got the idea first.

3rd question: what if the service were semi-private? and you got to get 
comments on your proposal before submitting it to your funding agency? Would 
that be helpful? What if in exchange for that service you had to review 2-3 
other applications?  Would that be worth it?

Or, perhaps, I'm being far too naiive about all this. For all I know there are 
some rules against doing this I'm not aware of.  Either way, I'm interested in 
what this community thinks. Please share your views!  On- or off-list is fine.

-James Holton
MAD Scientist


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