> On Sep 21, 2015, at 10:52 AM, Johnny Billquist <b...@update.uu.se> wrote:
> ...
>>> I've tried to boot an RX01 Floppy in RX02 mode, that failed on all disks
>>> I've tried. Is an original RX02 able to boot (RT11) from an RX01 disk?
>> As far as I know, it can't. An RX02 can read/write an RX01 disk, but the 
>> software
>> interface to the controller is so different (the RX)2 uses DMA, the RX01 
>> doesn't for
>> one thing) that the RX02 cannot boot an RX01 disk.
> Of course an RX02 *drive* can read an RX01 *floppy*. And yes, a system with 
> an RX211 and an RX02 *drive* can boot from a floppy that what written by an 
> RX01 *drive*. But you need the boot code for an RX211 controller, and that 
> boot code also needs to handle RX01 format floppies. If the boot sector on 
> the floppy is for an RX11, then no, an RX211 will not understand things. The 
> programming model for the two controllers are different. You need different 
> device drivers.
> But this is really a question about the controller and the software running 
> it, not the floppy or the drive.

And it would certainly be possible to write a driver that can handle both 
controllers; it would start by determining which controller it's dealing with, 
and then run the one or the other set of algorithms.  Since a boot block is 
just a small driver, the same is true there, so long as the whole body of code 
fits in the available space.  I suspect in this case that's doable; most 
bootloaders (other than MSCP ones) require only a small fraction of the 
available space.


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