Sorry If I didn't make myself clear, I am suggesting one never acquire an 
Evotek drive today other than perhaps as an historical curiosity.


The Finch was a short lived 8-inch HDD that went up to 42 MB unformatted BUT 
according to Disk/Trend It did not use an ST506 interface but instead came with 
this  variety of interfaces: Finch, LDI, SMD or SA1000!  So your problem is 
likely to be finding a drive that matches the interface of yr controller card.  
 Some possibilities

·         Finch interface was available on certain CDC Wren 5½-inch models, 
e.g. 9415

·         SA1000 interface was available on the 8-inch Quantum Q2000

·         SMD interface was available on CDC 8-inch FSD models; e.g., 9715

·         I have no idea what LDI was

BTW the ST506 interface is a copy of SA1000 interface with the major difference 
being a slightly higher data rate so any ST506 might actually work but the 
problem might be low level formatting due to the unexpected track length.  
Depends upon the formatting utility


If u know what interface u need I can suggest models





-----Original Message-----
From: Oliver Lehmann [] 
Sent: Monday, December 07, 2015 3:55 AM
To: General Discussion: On-Topic and Off-Topic Posts
Subject: Re: Evotek Winchester Harddisk



Tom Gardner < <>> wrote:


> The Evotek drive initially used the notoriously unreliable Ampex Alar 

> plated media; whether they ever upgraded to sputtered media is 

> uncertain.  It probably should be avoided.


> I would look for an replacement drive using oxide media.  The nice 

> thing about oxide media is it came pre-corroded so that's one thing 

> not to worry about in a 35 year old drive


OK, but I'm not looking for a replacement for en Evotek harddisk, but for a CDC 
FINCH harddisk. These drives seem to be so rare - I would not even care about 
the media the disks where made of ;) And - I found nothing "compatible" so far 
to replace them with other harddisks.


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