On 12/7/15 6:52 AM, Oliver Lehmann wrote:

I don't have much to offer, but I have done PIO IDE accesses on lots of cpu's, including small ARM cpu's. I would put the code into a "read loop" and "write loop" and look at the signals with a scope. Make sure they look good - i.e. clean edges and the width of the assertion is "ok". I think the minimum is something like 300ns (I may be wrong, that's what I remember). And make sure the address is stable before you assert WE# - I'd check that with a scope as well. If you don't have a scope a simple logic analyser will work, but a scope is better.

I seem to recall some drives got unhappy if some of the signals on the IDE interface were not exactly right - several need to be grounded and several pulled up with a resistor. You don't mention what your physical interface is. If you do I can dig up my notes and tell you what I've done in the past (not that it's authoritative, but it's something to compare with).

I'm sure you'll figure it out - just keep trying :-)


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