On Fri, Jan 13, 2017 at 10:47 AM, Corey Cohen <appleco...@optonline.net> wrote:
> So I have a friend who is originally from the U.K.   He has his old BBC micro 
> from when
> he was a kid and wants to be able to use it here in the states.  His parents 
> threw out his old TV in the U.K.

There was actually an NTSC version of the BBC micro. I think you had
to fit a different colourburst crystal,
change a link to disable the phase switching of one of the colour
signals (which is what PAL means, of
course) and a different operating system ROM to reprogram the 6845 for
US rates. The last is probably the
hardest. But anyway...

> Is there a way to use a BBC Micro PAL version with a modern US LCD TV?  Do 
> some brands of modern
> TVs support both NTSC and PAL? Let's assume he may need to grab video before 
> the modulator.

I don't know about US TVs, but a lot of UK TVs support NTSC video.

You have 3 video outputs on the Beeb :

UHF RF. This is the old UK analogue TV standard on what was channel
36. PAL encoded

Composite (on a BNC socket). This is UK scan rates, and monochrome by
default. Fitting a
link on the PCB will get PAL colour there.

RGB (on a 6 pin DIN socket). TTL levels, 3 colour signals (so 8
possible colours total) + sync.
If you can find a way to use that, do so. It gives by far the best picture.


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