For sure there are many things still todo for the KiCad people, but this
nose high attitude "thats vor arduino people only" is the wrong thing
for sure.. (german saying: Hochmut kommt vor dem Fall)
Haha, you probably got me wrong. I never even tried out KiCAD - because I had no idea why I should try out something else in the moment.

It could do much much more and much better than what you pay for it.
I am not sure. I have read about no tight coupling between schematic and board. That's a no-go for me.

Do you want to know how eagles UI feels from my point of view?

It's a well known disaster for newcomers. Many completely un-logic aspects. Evil pitfalls in the schematic editor. The strangest copy and paste mechanisms. But... If you are throgh that. And have already forgotten how frustrating Eagle's UI once was... everything is fine then. I really love the console input on Eagle. I can do many things by just typing in commands. Normal work does not involve pulldown menus.

Wen I first encountered eagle it was running under DOS. No windows. Don't remember if there was a schematic editor. And not much to click.


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