On 7/13/17, 4:38 AM, "cctalk on behalf of Robert via cctalk"
<cctalk-boun...@classiccmp.org on behalf of cctalk@classiccmp.org> wrote:

>It does look like that last column (or possibly two) is missing,
>doesn't it? Going back to the info on your excellent site, the shift
>register does seem a good candidate. If we assume that it is parallel
>in, serial out, then the problem would have to be on the input side,
>as all the bits pass through every flip flop (ruling them out) and the
>output is flawed absolutely consistently (ruling out an intermittent
>fault there). The same reasons militate against a serial input, I

Only the last bit to shift out of the register will have passed through
all flip-flops; numbering the flip-flops in such a way that the flip-flop
furthest away from the output is the first flip-flop, a single missing bit
at the end of output could indicate a problem with either the output of
the first flip-flop, or the input of the second flip-flop. If two bits are
missing at the end, output of second flip-flop or input of third flip-flop.


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