> From: Emanuel Stiebler

    >> on the grounds that the analog part at that speed would be too tricky
    >> for us.

    > No, it isn't.

You _are_ talking to two people who are so clueless about analog that we
didn't bother putting ground lines between each pair of signal lines in a
cable... ;-)

    > You use container files in fat16, or simply 1:1 block mapping?

Haven't gotten that far yet. Probably the latter. (Implementing FAT in
Verilog.... no, I don't think so! :-)

    > your approach, but it leads to debugging of issues, you wouldn't have
    > on real boards ...

Yes, but if we tried to go straight to PC boards, we'd almost certainly have
had other issues, just different ones! (See above... :-)

And this path allowed us to get rolling without having to go through the
PC-board fab cycle... (including the complexity of doing boards with gold

    > From: Paul Koning

    > flash storage devices do wear leveling. The fact that you're writing to
    > the same block number doesn't mean you're actually writing to the same
    > spot on the physical flash memory.

Yeah, but why 'waste' writes on swapping/paging activity, if there's a
RAM-disk ready to hand?


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