> From: David Bridgham dab at froghouse.org 

    > I'm going to have enough fun with trying to implement the USB stack in
    > the FPGA

ISTR discussing putting a PDP-11 into the FPGA (there are Verilog PDP-11's
available), so we could write our USB code in C (I'd use the Unix V6 compiler
to compile it, of course :-).

    > From: Phil Blundell

    > I doubt you really need the hard gold fingers on a prototype board.

Good point...

    > Not that I've ever actually built a Unibus card though so perhaps there
    > is some complexity or something especially hostile about the sockets
    > that I'm not realising.

Nah, not that I can think of.

    > From: Emanuel Stiebler

    > From an old email from Tim Shoppa who tested some QBUS SCSI controllers:
    > ...
    > Here are the peak data rates measured

I suspect the disk drive itself may be a big factor there. E.g. the PDP-11
Peripherals Handbook lists the RK05 speed as 11 usec/word, so about 1.5

But I _know_ the UNIBUS is a lot faster than that; to verify that, look at
the speed of non-cache PDP-11s (on which most instructions are
memory-bandwidth - AKA UNIBUS bandwidth - limited).

And even if not, the controller may have been engineered to not use
more than a certain %-age of the bus, to avoid blowing the CPU out of
the water when it starts running.

The 'maximum bus bandwith' is a very tricky concept - how much do you leave
for the CPU, how many DMA cycles do you do per bus acquisition, etc, etc.


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