On 02/21/2018 08:57 AM, Tapley, Mark via cctalk wrote:
I was one of the offenders. A list member politely pointed out to me (in private mail) the existence of the of the in-reply-to header which my client isn’t set to use. I had no idea! I’d been diligently changing subject: headers when I hijacked threads, but to no avail. So, apologies for my past bad behavior and I’ll try to do better in the future.

Thank you for your efforts Tapley.  :-)

We all have to strive to play well with others. - I think that was on one of my report cards decades ago.

I would encourage you though, rather than give up, just politely be more explicit about what is needed - it was ignorance rather than laziness in my case which was the problem.

Hanlon's razor - Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by ignorance.

IMHO ignorance can be addressed with polite constructive feedback.

Willful ignorance … well that's a different story. And it might not be ignorance when it becomes willful.

Grant. . . .
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