In an earlier posting, I stated that the 4014 (with its 19" DVST tube)
was the largest DVST display that Tektronix made, to which
Paul K. responded:

> An article about those terminals also turns up the 4016 (25 inch tube
-- 4014 is 19 inches).  I'm not sure any more which of the two it 
> was.

I stand corrected.   

I never saw one of these during the 13 years (1977-1990) that I worked
at Tektronix.   But, after looking around online, indeed, they exist,
and there are a number of them still around, including a beautiful,
working example at the local Tektronix museum,  This is
probably the article that Paul referred to:

Funny, last time I was at the museum (which was probably two+ years
ago), I didn't see it...perhaps it's a newer acquisition.  Had I seen
it, I would have been surprised, since it was always my impression that
the 19" tube was the largest.   

The 25" tube had to have some pretty crazy geometry correction circuitry
in the deflection system to correct for the curvature of the tube face
in X and Y dimensions, as well as probably some beam power correction to
account for the curvature.   A pretty amazing accomplishment, for sure.
Tektronix had some really amazing CRT engineering folks, as well as
fabulous CRT fab facilities back in the day.

Thank you, Paul,  for pointing out my error.  Definitely an example of
learning something new every day :-)


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