> On Aug 15, 2019, at 6:57 PM, Mark Linimon <lini...@lonesome.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 15, 2019 at 02:27:16PM -0700, Guy Sotomayor Jr via cctalk wrote:
>> Between work and preparing for potential fire evacuations (they're
>> expecting ~300 wild fires in my area this fire season: we've only had 
>> about 6 so far so I expect *a lot* more soon)
> Yikes!  Please stay safe.

That’s the plan.  Thanks.

We’ve had a fire (when I say fire, I mean wildfire and not what most folks are 
familiar with which are structure fires) near town yesterday and another one (a 
bit further away) today.  So it’s picking up.  To hit the expected 300 for this 
season, we’ll need about 2 per day!  Fortunately most so far have been fairly 
small (20-80 acres).  I know that sounds *large* (our property is 10 acres) but 
last year’s fire in Paradise was over 150,000 acres (~240 sq miles) and 
destroyed over 18,000 buildings.  It is really hard to imagine the scale of the 

  So everyone is taking this *much* more seriously now.  Today’s fire had 6+ 
fire engines respond, 2 bulldozers and 2 air tankers respond.

TTFN - Guy

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