NTRL has 3 published versions listed with two available as pdf downloads;

go here and search on the author name



On 7/2/2020 4:57 PM, Will Senn via cctalk wrote:

If this is off-topic, my apologies, but I know some of y'all were there (Noel), so I'm hoping it's close enough to on-topic to garner a successful response. I'm looking for the ARPANET Protocol Handbook by Feinler, E. and Postel, J., published by SRI back in the day (revised edition 1978) in an online format (pdf preferably, but anything readable is fine. I came across the reference in RFC 790 - Assigned Numbers. If it's been superceded and the successor is available, that would probably work, too. Although, I prefer the earlier works for concision.



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