On 9/28/2021 5:14 AM, Toby Thain via cctalk wrote:
On 2021-09-27 11:46 p.m., ben via cctalk wrote:
POSIX requires a byte to be exactly 8 bits I read somewhere.
C99 C standard?
Great for ARM and INTEL, not so great for the 36 bit computers.

We've been through this before. No.

As I understand things, POSIX does require the existence of 8 bit bytes, (int8_t and uint8_t) and requires them to be exactly 8 bits. It does not AFAIK explicitly prohibit the existence of bytes with other sizes, but who would bother?

The C standards are more liberal, and continue to require char types to be 8 or more bits.

In principle then, char could still be 9 or more bits, but if int8_t is required for a *NIX, who would do it? They'd just be making a compatibility mess for themselves.

It's also unclear to me whether one's complement representation would be allowed. (Various other representations would probably be prohibited by other restrictions.)


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