How many items do you need to keep track of?  Is it less than 100, a thousand?

I tried using LibreOffice Calc to keep track of what I had so I wouldn't go and buy something I already had.  Alas, you know the rest of the story.

In order to help organize things at the physical level, I use a number of identical size boxes to keep parts in.  Then I label them CPU, Memory, Serial, etc, to organize them to that level.  These boxes fit nicely into one book case and the labels are easy to read.

I would say I have ~300 items to keep track of.


On 8/14/2023 6:47 PM, Mike Katz via cctalk wrote:
I'm looking for a good inventory program to help me keep track of all of my PDP-8 stuff.

I would like to keep track of physical location, board etch revision, board modification revision, bus type, where used, etc.

If you have any good ideas, please let me know.

I'm using a simple spreadsheet for now and it's not what I'm looking for.

Thank you.

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