On Tue, 18 Nov 2014, Richard L. Hamilton wrote:

Copyleft vs permissive license arguments get in the way of making good 
technical decisions IMO - except when the distinction is needed for 
NON-ideological arguments.


Backwards compatibility has a couple of points to commend it:
* not alienating existing base in the hopes of pursuing a new base
* although it’s more work, the discipline involved CAN result in cleaner code 
in the long run.

We have already cleaned up quite a lot of cruft.  There is still much
more to do in that regard, regardless of the build system being used.

IMO if X.org dumped imake, that’s a good reason to think about doing
the same; HOWEVER, _if_ some of the platforms that the hardcore
copyleft advocates would ignore cannot reasonably support autotools,
then IMO that _is_ a reason to accept the complexity of dual build
systems.  To those who think that code has some natural right to be
open source, backwards compatibility is merely a compromise with the
lack of that; but to those who simply want to USE something and leave
the ideology behind, it’s _necessary_.  I’ve got Macs (Mac Mini 2007
and 2011) and Suns (the most modern being a T5240) at home, and while
from time to time I run a Linux VM on one of the Macs, it’s not what
I use on a daily basis, but simply something for re-creating
situations others might encounter.

Again, I do not mind dumping Imake eventually.  But it's replacement
needs to actually exist, and work before we can consider that -- for
obvious reasons.

My immediate interest is getting CDE on OS X and Solaris 11.  AFAIK,
 both of those either have automake/autoconf from the vendor, or
 have it in a reasonably well-supported packaging of free software
 (e.g. MacPorts for OS X).  So I would suppose porting to OS X
 (Solaris 11 supposedly more or less works, although I gather SPARC
 hasn’t been tried yet?) is if anything likelier with autotools than

Probably not, but original CDE ran on sparc, so I don't see a huge
issue there.  Mac on the otherhand -- I have no experience there.


Jon Trulson

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