On Son, 02 Feb 2003, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> Looks like you found a usage/buy protected media which is not a real CD.
> >The CD plays fine in my audio cdplayers.
> If it really does not help to reduce speed to 4x (speed=4)
> or/and to call 'ms -ss' to switch the drive to single session only
> I would be interested..

On Son, 02 Feb 2003, Joerg Schilling wrote:
> There is nothing like a copy protected audio CD. The Audio CD standard

I have a similar problem with a Audio CD which plays fine in my SOund
system, but not in the CD changer in my car. Till now I could make
copies of all these discs for my private (car) use but the one I found
was really impossible to copy. I tried several approached (cdda2wav,
cdfs, cdparanoia, readcd, ...) nothing worked. It looks like it is a new
protection scheme calles key2audioXS. I suspect this because I have
already some CDs with key2audio which didn't pose a problem. Reading
this new Audio CD I get millions of scsi read errors (ide-scsi), and
then within seconds the files are existent in the right size, but
contain only rubbish.

Bottomline: What to do without buying a plextor drive (I do not have

Best wishes


Norbert Preining <preining AT logic DOT at>         Technische Universität Wien
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SUTTON and CHEAM (nouns)
Sutton and cheam are the kinds of dirt into which all dirt is
divided. 'Sutton' is the dark sort that always gets on to
light-coloured things, 'cheam' the light-coloured sort that clings to
dark items. Anyone who has ever found Marmite stains on a dress-shirt
or seagull goo on a dinner jacket (a) knows all about sutton and
cheam, and (b) is going to tome very curious dinner parties.
                        --- Douglas Adams, The Meaning of Liff

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