Thomas Schmitt wrote:

If you like to see hard links on Linux, I recommend just to implement support for inode numbers on Linux....

My trick is that i implement such things
in xorriso. My influence on kernels is
limited. But xorriso can retrieve any
extra information that it encoded in the
It is also able to restore multi extent
files on operating systems which fail to
implement a proper reader for ISO level 3
(quite new Linux kernels among them).

If Linux users are interested on the current ACL standard, I recommend to
add ZFS to the basic filesystems supported by Linux.

Seems that those who could are not interested
and those who would are not capable.

As long as you can back up and restore what is there in Linux now, and use features which other applications and OS are required to ignore if they do not understand, then you have provided a useful backup capability which is "portable enough" to be useful. Rarely are the xattr needed to be moved to other OS, because the exact functionality of the xattr may not be precisely the same. If the file nuances are preserved within the same OS that's sufficient to be useful.

If IBM actually does buy Sun, I suspect that the best features of AIX and Solaris will be made available to Linux, and marketing of the legacy OS will be minimal. For the same reasons that tru64, MULTICS and OS/2 are no longer competing, it's no longer a question of which OS is "best" (by whatever measure), it's a measure of which OS generates more revenue than it costs to maintain.

bill davidsen <>
 CTO TMR Associates, Inc

"You are disgraced professional losers. And by the way, give us our money back."
   - Representative Earl Pomeroy,  Democrat of North Dakota
on the A.I.G. executives who were paid bonuses  after a federal bailout.

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