Bob Gustafson wrote:
> On Mon, 2007-11-12 at 10:21 +1300, Andrew Miller wrote:
> snip
>> We could use Mercurial - the only issue there is that the only free 
>> hosting I could find ( ) looks like it is part 
>> of some company's business model and so I wouldn't want to rely on it 
>> remaining free - we don't really want to require people who want to set 
>> up their own repositories to rely on that.
>> Best regards,
>> Andrew
> I clicked on and searched for Mercurial. No
> hits!
See - I 
think that part of the Assembla free offering includes Mercurial hosting.

> ----------------
> As I understand the way that git/Mercurial would be used - whoever is
> the corralmeister needs access to author's server(s) which store
> external versions of the cellml specs/software/...  As these various
> external versions are vetted in some way, they need to be accessed and
> merged to form the latest community version.

Although this 'vetting' process is really community discussion, and 
will  take a long time for consensus to be reached. In the mean time 
many users are likely to also want to pull in other author's work so 
they can create improved versions of it (or just to view it to help them 
form an opinion, see how it interacts with other proposed changes, etc...).

> Since this access and merge is asynchronous to the activities of
> individual authors, a public IP address for these external servers would
> be helpful.
> Perhaps a full blown hosting service is not necessary for this?
Hosting of repositories can be set up in a matter of minutes with many 
of the free hosting services - this is often easier than going through 
IT processes to get something made public any other way. However, 
authors who have the ability to easily make their repository public some 
other way would of course not need to worry about this.

> Also, these days, 'free' implies some sort of advertising views.

I believe that is made available for Open Source git 
hosting by one of the authors of git, and it doesn't seem to contain 
advertising - it is more an effort to promote git / provide a service to 
the open source community.

Assembla is a commercial outfit, but they also don't seem to put up 
third party advertisements - rather, their business model seems to 
involve selling consulting and using the community of developers using 
their hosting to build their profile.

Best regards,

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