Hi all

Some time has passed since the last discussions on this thread, and the
preceding thread "Representing the next version of the CellML

To summarise:
Various possible technologies for managing the specification development
were discussed, please see the relevant postings for details.

Following the first discussion, a prototype of the apparently most suitable
combination has been set up by Andrew Miller as follows:
1) Git is being used for distributed version control.
2) Docbook is being used for the document format.

The e-mails on these threads raised various pros and cons of each of this
configuration.  To address the cons of the above setup, the following policy
will be adopted:  Not all participants in the specification process will be
expected to directly use these tools.  Members of the Auckland CellML team
will to act as "proxy" editors for those who opt not to use the above tools

At the Auckland CellML meeting of 14 November, it was suggested that we
round up this discussion within the next week.  We are of the view that the
above system will work out best, when all things are taken into

So, the next step is to try and use the above system and policy, and raise
any major concerns by 21 November by mailing this list on this thread.

Our goal will be to work-around any issues if possible.  If not, we will
reassess, and potentially restart the prototyping stage.

Randall Britten

cellml-discussion mailing list

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