Dear members of the CellML discussion list,

Back in 2004, I contacted Poul Nielsen about Simile (, a modelling environment I've been involved with, and in particular its capabilities fro handling complex disaggregation in continuous-systems models. The email exchange was discussed at a CellML meeting, and you can read it here:

It has only taken 6 years (!), but I have now written a rather detailed note (some 30 pages) on this topic. The note is expressed solely in terms of SBML and the various proposed extension 'packages' ( that deal with model structure. I put forward a unified approach for handling the requirements of these various separate packages. The paper can be found at

I have made no attempt at relating the issues discussed in the paper to CellML capabilities, since it was already long and complicated enough, I am currently involved in some SBML-related work, and I have not looked at the CellML spec and developments since 2004. I am just mentioning the paper in case the approach is of interest to the CellML community for handling disaggregation (e.g. spatial) and other aspects of model structure. I am of course happy to engage in further discussion, either on- or off-list.

Best wishes,
Robert Muetzelfeldt

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