Celtic and Old English Saints       6 October

* St. Ceollach of Mercia
* St. Cummian the White
* St. Lalluwy
* St. Failbhe of Scotland

St. Ceollach (Ceallaeach) of Mercia, Bishop
7th century. There are 33 Irish saints by the name Ceollach: This
disciple of Saint Columba (f.d. June 9) was bishop of Mercia or the
Middle Angles of England. Having migrated from Iona to Lindisfarne,
where Saint Finan (f.d. February 17) consecrated him as the successor to
Saint Diuma. Ceollach did not remain long in England. He returned to
Iona and died in his homeland. (D'Arcy, Fitzpatrick, Montalembert,

St. Cummian the White, Abbot of Iona
+ 669. Born in Ireland, he became Abbot of Iona and wrote a life of St

Icon of Saint Cummian

St. Lalluwy, Virgin

Troparion of St Lalluwy tone 8
To this day Menheniot's sacred well/ witnesses to thy virtue, O pious
Lalluwy./ As thou didst call forth a stream of living water from the
earth,/ we pray thee, entreat Christ our God/ to pour forth for us the
saving waters of eternal life.

St. Failbhe, Abbot in Scotland

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