Celtic and Old English Saints          27 January

* St. Natalis of Ireland

St. Natalis, Abbot in Ireland
6th century. Natalis founded monasticism in northern Ireland and was a
fellow-worker with Saint Columba (f.d. June 9). He ruled the abbeys of
Cill, Naile, and Daunhinis. His holy well is still a place ofpilgrimage

Troparion of St Natalis tone 2
With Columba as thy guide/ thou didst learn the monastic disciplines, 0
Father Natalis,/ and by this example/ thou dost teach us the necessity
of accepting spiritual direction,/ that pleasing God by our obedience/
we may be found worthy of great mercy.

Kontakion of St Natalis tone 5
Having submitted thyself to a master/ in pious humility, 0 Father
Natalis and being renowned for the sanctity of thy life,/ thou wast
deemed worthy to guide others into the way of Salvation./ Pray that we
who hymn thee may be given grace/ to submit ourselves to direction, as
Christ wills,/ that we may please Him in all things.


Benedictine Monks of St. Augustine Abbey, Ramsgate.
(1966). The Book of Saints. NY: Thomas Y. Crowell.

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