Celtic and Old English Saints          29 April

* St. Endellion of Cornwall
* St. Wilfrid of York
* St. Fiachan of Lismore
* St. Senan of North Wales
* St. Dichu of Ulster

St. Endellion (Endelient), Virgin, Nun, Recluse
6th century. Near Port Isaac, on the north coast of Cornwall, is the
little village of Endellion, where the Roscarrock family made their home
for four hundred years, and where Nicholas, to whom we owe so much
information about the saints of Cornwall was born. He lived through the
latter part of the sixteenth century and into the early years of the
seventeenth, at a time when the veneration of the saints was being
suppressed, and their shrines were being demolished. He had a great
regard for the saint of his native village, and it is from his
description that we are able to identify the original shrine of St.

St. Endelienta was one of the numerous children of Brychan, who settled
at Trenkeny, where she lived a very austere life, sustained by the "milk
of one cow only". This animal was killed by the lord of Tregony because
it trespassed on his land. Her godfather, a great man, had the lord
killed for this offence, but Endellion miraculously brought him back to

When she perceived that the day of her death was drawing near, she asked
her friend that her body should be laid on a bier and be buried where
"certain young stots, bullocks and calves, should of their own accord
draw her". The beasts drew the bier to the top of a hill, where there
was a piece of waste mirey ground, and there she was buried and a church
raised over the grave dedicated to her memory.

The late Sir John Betjeman poet laureate wrote "Inside the church gives
the impression that it goes on praying night and day, whether there are
people in it or not". A modern carved angel in memory of Sir John
Betjeman may be seen in the sanctuary above a slate tablet.

Nicholas Roscarrock tells
us that there was another church bearing her name on Lundy Island, which
is opposite Hartland, where her brother St. Nectan is buried. He also
mentions two wells called after her and says that the one more distant
from Endellion Church is the one she used.

The tomb, which is now in the south aisle, is evidence of the affection
and reverence with which she was held in the middle ages, for it is
fifteenth century workmanship, in Catacluse stone, with fine niches and
moulding. It originally stood under the easternmost arch of the nave on
the south side, and as the tomb is empty, the bones of the saint are
probably buried under the floor in that place. In the fourteenth century
the church was served by a college of priests. The parish revel was held
on the Saturday after the Ascension but Nicholas Roscarrock gives her
feast day as April 29th (Baring Gould and Fisher, Bowen).

Troparion of St Endelienta tone 5
O holy Endelienta,/ when thy cow, thine only source of sustenance,/ was
cruelly killed,/ thy heart was filled with forgiveness for the
slaughterer./ Pray to Christ our God/ that we may ever forgive our
enemies and ourselves find mercy.

St. Wilfrid (Wilfrith) the Younger, Bishop
Died at Ripon in 744. Saint Wilfrid was one of the five future bishops
who were educated by Saint Hilda (f.d. November 17) at Whitby. This
indefatigable bishop of York was the favourite disciple of Saint John of
Beverly (f.d. May 7) at Whitby. But first he was appointed abbot of the
cathedral community at York, and shortly thereafter coadjutor of John of
Beverly, whom he succeeded as bishop. Little is known of Wilfrid's
episcopate except that he was zealous for education. Twelve years
before his death at Ripon Abbey, Wilfrid retired to a monastery in order
to be free to serve God with his whole soul. In the 10th century, two
different groups claim to have taken the relics of Saint Wilfrid the
Great (f.d. October 12) from Ripon; most likely one party took those of
Wilfrid the Younger. This saint's feast is attested in the Calendar of
Winchcombe and later martyrologies, though he does not seem to have had
a widespread or popular cultus (Benedictines, Encyclopaedia, Farmer).

St. Fiachan (Fiachina, Fianchne) of Lismore
Born in Desies, Munster, Ireland; 7th century. An Irish monk of
Lismore, whose sterling quality was obedience, Saint Fiachan was the
disciple of Saint Carthage the Younger (f.d. May 14). He is titular
saint of the parish of Kill-Fiachna, in the diocese of Ardfert
(Benedictines, Encyclopaedia, Husenbeth).

St. Senan of North Wales, Hermit
7th century. Senan was a hermit in northern Wales, but there is so much
confusion in the records among the various saints of this name that it
is impossible to give any precise history (Benedictines).

St. Dichu of Ulster
5th century. Dichu, son of an Ulster chieftain and a swineherd in his
youth, succeeded to the kingdom of Lecale in County Down, Ireland, and
bitterly opposed Saint Patrick (f.d. March 17) when he landed there in
432. He became Patrick's first Irish convert, gave Patrick a church in
Saul, capital of Lecale, the first of Patrick's foundations in Ireland,
and the two became close friends (Benedictines, Delaney).


Baring-Gould, S. & Fisher, J. (1907) The Lives of the British
Saints. 4 volumes. Charles J Clarke.

Benedictine Monks of St. Augustine Abbey, Ramsgate.
(1947). The Book of Saints. NY: Macmillan.

Bowen, Paul. When We Were One: A Yearbook of the
Saints of the British Isles Complied from Ancient Calendars.

Delaney, J. J. (1983). Pocket Dictionary of Saints, NY:
Doubleday Image.

Encyclopaedia of Catholic saints, April. (1966).
Philadelphia: Chilton Books.

Farmer, D. H. (1997). The Oxford Dictionary of Saints.
Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Husenbeth, Rev. F. C., DD, VG (ed.). (1928). Butler's
Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints.
London: Virtue & Co.

For All the Saints:

An Alphabetical Index of the Saints of the West

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