On Mon, May 19, 2008 at 1:46 AM, Ralph Angenendt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Akemi Yagi wrote:
>> The principle of Wiki is participation of anyone who wishes to
>> contribute.  That of course raises a question of how we can maintain
>> the contents correct or appropriate.  I agree that having an editorial
>> group consisting of knowledgeable people is a good idea.  Now, as
>> exemplified in Ned's comment, there are Wiki articles that have been
>> most exclusively maintained by the original author.  And there are
>> pages whose original author is no longer active but instead is being
>> maintained by another person.  Naturally, those who are currently
>> looking after the articles might want to take responsibility.
> Sure, I guess that that would work *if* those authors monitor changes in
> their articles.
>> Therefore I would also like the idea of assigning a person/people to
>> each page if (or whenever) we have such volunteers.
> Do you think we have that many people? Does that mean that noone else
> monitors those pages for changes?

This is *in addition to* the editorial team, not something exclusive.
The team should monitor everything as you wrote.

> I still think that that should be left to people doing those pages
> themselves (or do you know of any automatic way to do so which doesn't
> get overwritten when a page is changed by somebody else?) - but hey,
> that's only my opinion. And I think that this is a rather different
> issue altogether.

Well, it may be related here.  I suspect some authors may not want
their pages freely overwritten by others.  I know this is against the
Wiki's spirit but nonetheless.  I also understand their concern.


> Cheers,
> Ralph
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