On Wed, Nov 28, 2007 at 03:03:30PM -0500, Guy Boisvert alleged:
> Hi all!
>       I have a problem with CentOS 4.4 and Communigate Pro 5.0.9.  As our 
> user number grows, we are seeing "too many files open" error messages in 
> Communigate logs.
>       I spoke with Communigate tech support and they asked me to increase 
>       the number of file descriptors which i did.  I put 128000 as a script i 
> made to check Communigate open files reported as high as 99000.    As i 
> checked the Communigate log file, it reported that it "sees" 1024 
> "available" file descriptors.
>       Reporting that to Communigate tech support, the guy answered:
> "CommuniGate gets this number via getdtablesize() system call. Probably 
> in CentOS the table has a fixed size so you need to recompile the kernel 
> to expand it. Try upgrading CentOS to 4.5 (or whatever later version is 
> available) "
>       I'm a little afraid of upgrading the server right away, i don't want 
>       to worsen the problem.  Or maybe it's safe to do it. I dunno.
>       Is there anybody on the list that can comment on what the 
>       Communigate tech support guy said about the "getdtablesize" thing ?

As usual, commercial support is just making things up.  This one is easy to 
actually test.

  #include <unistd.h>
  #include <stdio.h>

  int main (void) {
    printf("current file limit: %d\n",getdtablesize);
    exit (0);

Compile it, run it, viola!

$ gcc getdtablesize.c
$ ./a.out
current file limit: 134513392

(results will vary).

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