On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 4:41 PM, Richard
<lists-cen...@listmail.innovate.net> wrote:
>>>> Thanks, but it doesn't help to --enablerepo=epel-testing.   The
>>>> libgtop2 package should be from the base repo anyway.
>>> Sorry, just checked. It looks to be in "cr".
>> So... the right thing to do for someone who just wants to update a
>> system today would be???
> Probably depends on your view of CR. Here's the announcement for it
> the other day:
> <http://lists.centos.org/pipermail/centos-announce/2015-March/020980.html>
> I updated a machine the other day with a combination of CR and
> epel-testing (key MATE things were there still) and it seems fine,
> though I haven't tested it heavily yet. The epel things that were in
> -testing may have moved to epel base by now.

It's not so much a matter of having a "view" of CR as that I didn't
expect things to appear in EPEL that depend on base versions that
aren't in general release yet.  Is that intentional, and don't some
number of people have to approve something before it gets out of
epel-testing?  Does everyone else have cr enabled?

   Les Mikesell
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