On 03/26/2015 05:01 PM, Les Mikesell wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 4:53 PM, Johnny Hughes <joh...@centos.org> wrote:
>>> It's not so much a matter of having a "view" of CR as that I didn't
>>> expect things to appear in EPEL that depend on base versions that
>>> aren't in general release yet.  Is that intentional, and don't some
>>> number of people have to approve something before it gets out of
>>> epel-testing?  Does everyone else have cr enabled?
>> See my other post to this list.  EPEL is written for and built against
>> RHEL, which is on 7.1.  You will either have to wait until we release
>> our 7.1, use CR or buy RHEL.
> That makes sense - but it also makes it an ongoing issue for Centos
> users to expect.  It's not a serious problem for me, but it would be a
> bad first experience with CentOS if someone tries to install a system
> with MATE Desktop today.

I understand that and believe me, we are working on the next release of
CentOS as fast as we can.  But, it takes time and I have no control over
what they build EPEL against OR when they release things in it.

We are testing what we hope is our final tree right now in QA ..
hopefully we will have a release in the next couple of days.

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